Saturday, June 8, 2013

Rifles shooting and auditory sensitivities.....not a good scenario.

Memorial Day: I decided to take the kids to the cemetery for the annual program the city puts on honoring the men and women that died serving our country. Thinking it would be a good experience for the kids, I soon discovered that I should have either prepared them better for it or waited until they were older. Mr. E and his sister Ems, who is only 18 months younger than him, kept fighting for the shady spot that the stroller gave. His 2yr old brother Zeek was restless so I gave him the IPad, but then Mr. E kept trying to play the games for Zeek which only made him scream. Embarrassed, I was tempted to leave but I knew Mr. E would really like to see the military guys shoot their guns. Mr. E's older sister Lou saved the day by offering to take Zeek and Ems for a walk around the cemetery.
When it came time for the guns to shoot, Mr. E plugged his ears and watched.......and I watched him to see how he would react. As soon as they were done, he said "that was cool!!" and ran over and grabbed from the ground a shell that flew out of one of the guns and ran back excited to show me. I was so proud of him, he didn't seem to be affected at all by the loud sound of the guns!!! He has done so well this year!

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