Wednesday, June 12, 2013

JURASSIC PARK and the 'what ifs'

Mr. E's dad was super excited about the re-release of Jurassic Park in the theaters and wanted to take Mr. E's older sister and I suggested taking Mr. E also. When watching a movie or talking about an unpleasant topic, Mr. E doesn't seem to be as affected as his sisters. Often he looks at things more out of curiosity than putting himself into the shoes of the characters so I knew some parts of Jurassic Park would be scary for him, but I also knew he would be more fascinated than scared. We talked to him and told him about the movie and how scary it is and let him decide. He chose to go and loved it!! The next day he talked non-stop about the movie, and he even added dinosaurs to his scribblenauts DS game.

He told us about the parts that made him jump and the funny parts he liked. He started into his what ifs....
"Mom, what if we woke up and and there were 1000 Brontosaurus outside, what would we do?"
"Mom, what if we found a bunch of dinosaur eggs in our backyard?"
"Mom, what if
I always turn the question back on him, "I don't know Mr. E, what do you think?" And he will usually come up with something.

I feel he does the 'what ifs' because he is curious but also because he tries to create safety or a plan 'if' something were to happen.

Well, when bedtime came, I could not get the kid to go up to bed. Finally I asked why he wasn't going to bed and he said he wanted someone to be up there with him. I realized that the movie probably did scare him, which was expected, he is 10 yrs turning 11yrs and it was a PG 13 movie. It scared me at 14 yrs (forever ago). I told him that dad and I will be up there, and baby Zeek, and the girls are in the basement and the dogs are on the main floor in between so we are all here. That seemed to help some but I could still tell he felt a little uneasy. He still fell asleep.

He loved the movie but I probably should have showed him our DVD at home first so it wasn't in a big dark movie theater with the screen larger than life. We'll see how he does the next couple of days.

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