Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Forget Superman


   While Mr. E was home sick today, we let him watch his pickof movie…..Superman. Not because of how cool superman is with his x-ray vision,incredible strength and his ability to fly with super amazing speed throughbuildings and fire to save the life of the person in peril. No, it’s a coolmovie because it takes place in a big city with super tall buildings and anearthquake. 

We finally had him turn it off after 3 hours of holding theremote in his hand and fast forwarding, pausing, rewinding, and freeze framing thosescenes; oh, and of course he liked the model city (Lex Luther built) and the earthquakethat occurred.

After he turned it off, he laid back on the couch with asigh and said “mom, I’m enfashionated with first fireworks, then buildings, andthen earthquakes.”
*By Enfashionated he means fixated, we have noidea where he got the word enfashionated

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