Tuesday, June 18, 2013

LUNCH - what to feed this kid.

Mr E. isn't a super picky eater but there are things he doesn't care for and he definitely takes his time eating. This makes lunchtime at school very difficult. His pickiness actually comes more from the textures of the food than the taste.

School lunch.
I've always liked to go to the school and eat lunch with Mr. E from time to time, here are a few things I've noticed: He loves the chocolate milk and would drink it first but he would spend most of his lunchtime watching the chocolate milk go up and down the straw as he would suck on it.
Next he would pick the sweeter options like the fruit, which is good for you but he wouldn't ever make it to anything substantial then he wouldn't have much energy after lunch.

Home lunch.
He wouldn't always eat what we put in his home lunch. He again, would always go for the sweeter option first and then he'd take to long to eat it. He doesn't like PB sandwiches, which is crazy to me, what kid doesn't like PB & J's? He would only take a bite of a tuna fish sandwich at school yet he would eat the whole thing at home. He would never eat the soups, or pastas either. When we asked him what he would like in his lunch, he usually asked for a meat and cheese sandwich (as he calls it) but then many times would only finish part of it.


Home made luncheables!!!

As long as we put this in his lunch he would come home with an empty lunch pail. He also loves apples but a whole apple again, takes to long to eat and he won't eat the slices after they have browned. On pinterest : ) i found the answer to that dilema, we now cut them up and then drop some lemon juice or a drop of my lemon oil in the bag. They taste great and don't brown!

I win!!

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