Sunday, July 14, 2013

Transition....makes for a rough morning.

Mr. E had been doing so well last summer with getting up early when we needed him to. Typically we would be asking 4, 5, sometimes 6 times to get out of bed and by then WE were frustrated and HE would be frustrated. One Sunday morning last summer was one of those 'typical' mornings. 

Mr. E was really tired when I went in to get him up. I put his church clothes on his bed and told him we didn't have much time so to quickly get dressed and come down stairs so he would have time for breakfast.

Mr. E doesn't do well with having to hurry but then he doesn't do well without food in his stomach either. The best thing for this kid is to have a super-uber consistent schedule, but really!?! Let's be real. Life in general not to mention as a working mom with other kids that have needs as well, along with anything else each new day throws at you, doesn't always equal perfect consistency. If we can keep as much routine as possible, it really seems to help all of us but the rest of us don't seem to be as bothered as Mr. E is when routine is thrown off.

Once Mr. E is thrown off, it's tricky for him to self-regulate back to normal. As he has gotten older, little by little he's learned better to self-regulate. When he was younger and was thrown off for whatever the reason, he would have a full blown tantrum (we called them episodes) that usually lasted about an hour. There was no option of consoling or negotiating to help him calm down. The fact was.. he couldn't. We very often seemed to walk on egg shells just so we didn't have one of those 'episodes'.

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