Tuesday, July 9, 2013

NEW Development for the blog ~ Tuesdays Top Ten E' isms

My husband and I decided that the E' isms need to be done consistently every week and Tuesdays seem to be fitting. Also 5 is not enough, this kid says to many funny things so why stop when there is more to share! I'll post the top 10 but then there may be a few bonuses from time to time.

Adults have always loved this kid and so many times our friends, family, teachers, neighbors ect. ect. share their entertaining encounters they have with Mr. E. I love hearing about them!!
I think the reason why he is so entertaining is because while other kids @ 10yrs old may say something similar, it is usually to joke around but not Mr. E, he is 99% of the time COMPLETELY serious. He likes to joke but he doesn't always understand joking so usually his jokes don't make a whole lot of sense. So this kids Wonderful-Imaginative-Curious-Literal Thinking brain makes life with Mr. E FUN!!!

So here we go, Mr. E's first 'Tuesday Top Ten!'

1. Mr. E took the cheese out of the fridge to cut off a piece and with a squirmy face asked, "Mom why do boogers taste like cheese?".
I asked him how he knows what boogers taste like and he paused and then said, "Because I tasted them when I was a kid."

2. "Son of a marshmallow!!!!........mom, that is not swear word right?"
(I've explained before how we don't swear in our home and that he is always making up his own words but yet he always makes sure they are 'OK' to say.)

3. If we are surprising the kids or want to share something exciting, we will sometimes have the kids guess. My husband will usually say something like, "OK kids we are going somewhere and it starts with a 'W' and ends with 'aterslide'." Or something like, "OK kids someone is coming over and it starts with a 'G' and ends with 'randma'. "
So Mr. E came to me and said, "Mom I know you are going to say no at this (you gotta love when they start out this way) but.......cannnnn........I, well, it Starts with an 'M' then starts with a 'L' then starts with an 'N' and it's on your iPad and has a lot of blocks and it has to start with 'rafts' and an 'M'." ............I was a little confused then I realized what he was trying to do. He was trying to have me guess like his dad does but didn't quite understand how the guessing game works. He wanted to play 'Minecraft' on my IPad.

4. I told Mr. E that Mrs.Tullis, his cello instructor wanted him to continue practicing his cello through out the summer and that we'll see her in August before school starts. He said, "Mom I know when I'll see her she'll have to say 'happy birthday' to me because my birthday is coming up."

5. The other day my husband and I announced to the kids that we were going to walk down to see our neighbors new basement. Mr. E was playing a game but said 'OK'. We were gone for about 30 min. When we were walking back, Mr. E was outside and ran up to us and said, "Phew your back, I didn't know where you were and I was worried!!" Our neighbor who was watering her lawn laughed and told us that earlier he came running out of the house panicking and came up to her and said, "Emma, do you know where my mom and dad are? If my mom and dad die will you be our mother?" She consoled him and said she knew we were OK but yes that she would be their mother if anything happened.

I love our neighbors, they are so patient and understanding with this cute kid!! Over the years I noticed that Mr. E likes to have a plan B. It is a way for him to feel safe.

6. After Mr. E got out of the shower, he went back to his room with a towel around his waist to put on his pajamas. He came out later and said, "Mom I bet Liz (his bearded dragon lizard) wonders why my bum is cut." I asked him what he meant and he said "you know mom, why my bum has that line and is split." (....I guess because lizards bums are different than ours and since lizards analyze the world around them, I guess Liz could be thinking that...?)

7. While we were driving, the kids saw 2 Llamas in a pasture. 1 was standing up and the other was laying down so the kids thought it was dead. I told them that it was probably just sleeping in the hot sun. Mr. E kept pondering on it and said he really thought it was dead because it was laying down and it's eyes were open and staring. (Again we were driving by and they were kind of far away so I think he was creating more in his head than what we really saw) Again I told him it was probably laying down but that it was probably wishing it wasn't so hot. He nodded and said "yeah pretty much I'm thinking of agreeing with you 'cause I'm hoping it wasn't dead."

8. Mr. E was sitting on the couch by his sister and I hear "OHHHHHHH E GROSS!!" from Mr. E's sister as she's waving her hand in front of her nose. Mr. E said "Oh alright I'll cover my butt".

9. We have some new next door neighbors so Mr. E decided to go check them out. They're a cute young couple with a 18 month old daughter. My kids were a little disappointed that there weren't kids their ages since the neighbors before had a son and daughter exactly the right ages.
When I finally met the new lady she told me how she met my 10 yr old son already (Mr. E). She was obviously entertained by him and told me how he said he was sorta kinda glad they are our new neighbors now but that he was sad because he had to say goodbye to Elle ( the girl who lived there before) because he is going to marry her but she moved so he needs to find her somehow. (He hasn't been introduced to facebook yet).

10. Again driving, we passed a big field full of kids so my kids asked what was going on. I told them that there were some BYU summer camps going on. I told them that next summer Emily is going to do a dance camp and Livvy is going to do a song writing camp and that Mr. E can do a cello camp or gymnastics camp.
Looking out the window and completely serious Mr. E said, "maybe I can do a skydiving camp."

(Skydiving was a fixation phase last summer, I'll post about that later, good stories)

1 comment:

  1. Oh Becky! Laura and I are laughing so hard. We wish Mr. E was right here with us 'cause we want to squeeze that boy and cover him in kisses. Oh, how we love him! Thanks for sharing these stories . . . just the anecdote I need to counteract my sad blog. :D
